Monday, August 17, 2015


State Bank of India General Awarness - Solved Paper 2

  • Monday, August 17, 2015
  • SekarC
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  • 11. The World Islamic Economic Forum was held in 2007 in
    (A) Malaysia
    (B) Kuwait
    (C) Iran
    (D) Brazil
    (E) Indonesia

    12. In an important meeting of the National Development Council held in New Delhi the Prime Minister of India made a special mention of a particular sector of Indian economy which in his opinion was suffering from a “Technological Fatigue for lack of break through in production”. He was talking of which of the following sectors?
    (A) Agriculture Sector
    (B) Oil Sector
    (C) Service Sector
    (D) Defence Sector
    (E) None of these

    13. Which of the following was the major issue of discussion in the G-8 Summit held in Germany in 2007?
    (A) Subsidy to agro products
    (B) Climate protection
    (C) Financial aid to Iraq
    (D) Nuclear Technology and possibility of space war
    (E) None of these

    14. As per the Economic Survey 2006-07 India’s share in World Export has been
    (A) 0.5%
    (B) 0.75%
    (C) 1%
    (D) 1.25%
    (E) 1.5%

    15. How much amount approximately the Govt. of India planned to provide for Mid Day Meal Scheme? (As per Budget 2007-08)
    (A) Rs. 5,000 crores
    (B) Rs. 6,000 crores
    (C) Rs. 7,300 crores
    (D) Rs. 8,000 crores
    (E) Rs. 8,300 crores

    16. As per the figures given in the newspapers what is the approximate investment in various ‘Special Economic Zones’ till date in India?
    (A) Rs. 20,000 crores
    (B) Rs. 25,000 crores
    (C) Rs. 30,000 crores
    (D) Rs. 35,000 crores
    (E) Rs. 40,000 crores

    17. Who amongst the following is the author of the famous classical book “A Passage to India”?
    (A) Mark Twain
    (B) Nayantara Sehgal
    (C) Nirad C. Choudhuri
    (D) E. M. Foster
    (E) None of these

    18. The Government of India has bought RBI’s entire stake in the State Bank of India in about Rs. 35, 531 crores. What is the share of the RBI in total snake of the State Bank? About -
    (A) 40%
    (B) 48%
    (C) 50%
    (D) 52%
    (E) 60%

    19. Which of the following countries has offered knighthood to Salman Rushdie?
    (A) France
    (B) Italy
    (C) Germany
    (D) U.K.
    (E) None of these

    20. As per Union Budget 2007-08 how much amount the Government of India provided for Women Specific Schemes/Programmes for 2007-08?
    (A) Rs. 7,700 crores
    (B) Rs. 8,700 crores
    (C) Rs. 9,300 crores
    (D) Rs. 10,000 crores
    (E) Rs. 10,500 crores


    11. (A) 12. (A) 13. (B) 14. (C) 15. (C)

    16. (D) 17. (D) 18. (E) 19. (D) 20. (B)

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